7:00 p.m. – “Candlelight & Communion” – joint Drive-In Church with St. John’s Lutheran Church in St. John’s parking lot on Clover Street.
Luminaries lighting the way for the Christ child, candles, and communion for everyone!
At this service, we will collect non-perishable food items and baby wipes for the Bridge of Hope food pantry.
Our Christmas Eve special offering will be collected for Camino de Vida.
This service will also be available via live-stream on both Fremont Grace Lutheran and St. John’s Lutheran Church Facebook pages.
What you Need to Know:
- Service will begin at 7:00 p.m. in front of St. John’s Lutheran Church
- Enter St. John’s parking lot from Court St. or Clover St.
- Tune your radio to 89.7FM.
- Please remain in your car for the duration of the service.
- Worship will include Holy Communion. (Elements will be safely distributed to each car upon entering the parking lot.)
- Please print and bring your bulletin with you. We will have a limited supply.
(See below for attached bulletin link.)
- Offering buckets will be available at each exit. It is still recommended that you continue to contribute in your normal way (online, mail, drop in office door mail slot). If you wish to bring your offering with you, please use your church envelope and include your name.
- Please abide by all rules presented for worship.