image-8ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL: Pastor’s Sunday School Class and Maureen’s Sunday School class meet at 9:00.

BIBLE STUDIES: Growing in God’s Word through small groups.

Monday at 1:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study in the Lounge

Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.: Women’s Bible Study online. Contact church office for Zoom link.

Wednesday at 6:30:  S.L.A.M. (Scripture, Life, and Me) with Maureen; Bible Study with Pr. Mark.  These groups do not meet during Advent and Lent.

GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN: Women supporting Christ’s Church through mission and study of God’s Word.

WOMEN’S PROJECT DAY: Women coming together to sew quilts that will be sent to those in need in the U.S. and other countries.

DARTBALL: A form of darts. Games are played during the winter months.