As we prepare for Christmas Eve 2020, we are excited to offer a variety of ways for you to experience Christmas Eve at Grace Lutheran Church.  Whether you tune in on Facebook or attend drive-in church, we pray that you will join us in some way throughout your day, as we worship Christ, the joy of our world!


10:00 a.m.     “Little Drummer Boy”  Children’s Christmas Program.  A premiere presentation on Fremont Grace Lutheran Facebook page.

5:00 p.m.       Traditional Christmas Eve Worship including our Chancel and Bell Choirs.  This live-stream service can be found on Fremont Grace Lutheran Facebook page.

7:00 p.m.      “Candlelight & Communion”  joint Drive-In Church with St. John’s in St. John’s parking lot on Clover Street.  Luminaries lighting the way for the Christ child, candles, and communion for everyone!  At this service we will collect non-perishable food items and baby wipes for the Bridge of Hope food pantry.  Our Christmas Eve special offering will be collected for Camino de Vida.    This service will also be available via live-stream on both Fremont Grace Lutheran and St. John’s Lutheran Church Facebook pages.

9:00 p.m.     “Sights and Sounds of Christmas”  a virtual recital prepared by our gifted music director, Mr. Tom Curry, featuring a variety of Christmas hymns and music from inside our beautifully decorated sanctuary.  A premiere presentation on Fremont Grace Lutheran Facebook page.