Grace Lutheran Church will host Arts Academy – Hearts, Hands & Voices! 

Join us for a week of musical arts, Monday June 26 through Thursday 29, from 9am – 12pm.

Hearts, Hands & Voices is a fine arts program that offers a unique opportunity for youth and adults to grow spiritually and musically.  Participants are invited to join in a unique camp experience combining choral and instrumental music with visual and movement arts.

Each day will include songs, devotion, bells/chimes, recorders, drumming, and a snack!

A closing program will be held Thursday, June 29 at 6pm.  Friends and family are invited to see what the kids have learned over the week.

Cost is $10 per participant and may be paid on the first day of camp.  For scholarship applications or more information, please contact Tom Curry, Director of Music, at 419-332-1558 or by email at

Link to Registration: