Women of the ELCA – THANKOFFERING “…gifts from individuals in gratitude for blessings.”
September at Grace Lutheran is the month we observe Thankoffering. Every year our thankofferings are collected and sent to support the life-changing ministries of the ELCA. Even though we will not be worshiping together in our sanctuary on Thankoffering weekend, we can still support and think of others that our gifts support.
If you would like to support Thankoffering, please make your check payable to Women of the ELCA with Thankoffering noted in the memo line. Checks can be dropped off at the church office in the office door mail slot or mailed directly to Grace Lutheran Church, 705 W. State St., Fremont, OH 43420.
In gratitude for all God has given to us, and with hope for all that is to come, we collect our Thankofferings.
Thank you for your faithful support!